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Good day all ! I hope you enjoyed the brilliant weekend, we’ve been busy planting, planting and more planting here.

Strawberries are in ! Woooo hooo! They will be added to the food list for this week: fresh, deep red, juicy berries. Picked when RIPE, they are bursting with flavor ( as compared to the grocery store variety that have hollow heart, are white in the middle and are relatively flavorless). Now, that also means that Maine grown berries are incredibly fragile and are best fresh, frozen or turned into jam. BUT that also means that raspberries, blueberries and blackberrries are not too far away in season. Who doesn’t have memories of Grammie's strawberry shortcake or strawberry rhubarb pie????

We will have beet greens this week, locally grown shiitake mushrooms, baby chard and fresh cut basil ! I will imagine that local peas, zucchini and cukes are in the picking window very, very soon!

Our farm flocks continue to expand here, we let our chickens out everyday after they lay their eggs ( they pretty much roam from noon time til dark),they help turn the compost piles ,move mulch around the plantings and do some “secret laying”. And that means that we are having little baby chicks hatch out here and there. Mamma raised babies of ANY variety are always healthy and thrive like no other, but that also means that a lot of roosters are born, but gosh are they cute when they first hatch.

Rain is desperately needed for our gardens and new plantings, so lets’ keep our fingers crossed that there will be more in the future(except on market days). Speaking of markets, the Wednesday and Saturday markets we attend have been wonderfully busy, our friends are eager to buy from familiar faces and to meet some new ones too.... I hope you all take some time to visit our Maine farmers markets, they are fun, exciting places to be!

As always our grateful thanks for your support, and as an added bonus, our frozen soups will be on sale this week to create some space for incoming poultry ,and red meats..... check out the listing, all will be first come first serve, so don’t delay!


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Hot.... hot... HOT!!!!

Is this Maine? Wow, heat like this is usually only felt in August and just for a few days..... gosh.

Our farm animals take a hit with temps and humidity like this, egg production drops way off, we water everyone and then have to make another round again, 3- 4 times every day... the greenhouse gets a frequent watering too... I think with the heat and dryness our asparagus and rhubarb will be dwindling away, we have a pretty large crop of it, but the supply will become limited.. beet greens are in this week and fresh dug carrots too! If you haven’t yet, take an hour or two and visit one (or more) of our local farmers markets ! Variety ,colors, and great local foods are just some of the offerings in our Maine farmers markets. And these good folks spend so many hours harvesting ,washing and delivering to our patrons....we’d love to see you! Stay cool, please be careful in this heat.. I appreciate your support of local foods and all of the excellent small Maine farms, you are important to us.....please let me know how I can fill your frig and cupboards! Kath

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Good morning all!

Another week behind us and yay for summer!

The long weekend always throws me off, so pardon of this is a bit later than usual.

We have changed up the product list a bit and added a few items that will make (maybe) your choosing a bit easier.. all the prepared foods will now have a GF next to them if they are gluten free, some of our kind folks have asked about that and we will try very hard to make that a standard feature going forward. The asparagus grill packs will be vegetarian this month, and while the garlic cheddar biscuits are not on the printed menu, I may add those in next week... so good!

New this week on the farm, 150 chicks that will in 5 months provide us with the next generation of egg layers , 25 tiny little ducklings, 4 goslings ( protected by their daddies),

3 new rabbits for our rabbit meat production line, and 50 meat birds.....sounds like a lot, but in the overall grand picture at the farm, they will just add another segment of time in our morning and evening feeding routine. Although..... if any of you would like to “live” the farm life, I would be glad to a bit of help keeping cages clean.....

We are hard at the planting this week, and still seeding in cukes and squashes and greens in the greenhouse....dirty knees and hands make for sleeping well and soundly!

Please know how much we appreciate your continuing support of local foods and our excellent small Maine farms, I enjoy hearing from you and for your thoughtful and kind comments.... I truly love this life and all the work we do,

For now, take good care!


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