Good morning all!
Another week behind us and yay for summer!
The long weekend always throws me off, so pardon of this is a bit later than usual.
We have changed up the product list a bit and added a few items that will make (maybe) your choosing a bit easier.. all the prepared foods will now have a GF next to them if they are gluten free, some of our kind folks have asked about that and we will try very hard to make that a standard feature going forward. The asparagus grill packs will be vegetarian this month, and while the garlic cheddar biscuits are not on the printed menu, I may add those in next week... so good!
New this week on the farm, 150 chicks that will in 5 months provide us with the next generation of egg layers , 25 tiny little ducklings, 4 goslings ( protected by their daddies),
3 new rabbits for our rabbit meat production line, and 50 meat birds.....sounds like a lot, but in the overall grand picture at the farm, they will just add another segment of time in our morning and evening feeding routine. Although..... if any of you would like to “live” the farm life, I would be glad to a bit of help keeping cages clean.....
We are hard at the planting this week, and still seeding in cukes and squashes and greens in the greenhouse....dirty knees and hands make for sleeping well and soundly!
Please know how much we appreciate your continuing support of local foods and our excellent small Maine farms, I enjoy hearing from you and for your thoughtful and kind comments.... I truly love this life and all the work we do,
For now, take good care!