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ood morning All,

Beautiful Saturday and Sunday weather  for our holiday weekend! It  was  a lovely, busy  farmers market Saturday in Cumberland.. We could not have asked for a better day weather wise !!! Our Falmouth market the prior Wednesday was also quite busy  but hot,hot HOT! Many familiar faces, and many new folks too… I had the opportunity to chat with a very nice couple from Australia who  were visiting family in Falmouth. I so enjoy listening to their accents, this was the first visit to the states and they were in love with our state ( but of course) !

So this week, we have loads of rhubarb, the asparagus looks good, lettuces and spinach  are plentiful, we are still waiting for the carrots and beets to size up a bit more before picking. Garlic scapes are coming along,and I still have a good supply of fiddleheads and ramps… 

John from  Spicy Staples has asked that we offer the buy 2 get one free spices for the month so order up your seasonal supply!

Miss Violet sends her summer time  greetings to all in this latest photo op that she had just after her last haircut,but, I’ll tell ya’, if looks could kill I would be roasted,toasted and burned to a crisp from the glare of this little dog…

Anyhow, orders to me please soon for a Wednesday market pick up, these “short” weeks throw me off!

Grateful for your continued and ongoing support of our local farms, small businesses and farmers’ markets, it makes our long harvest days and nights worth it in so many ways!

Thanks again my friends,


Good morning All!

6 weeks ago, we had 12 inches of snow on the ground, and now…… 80 degrees forecast for this week!

We  held our first farmers’ market in Cumberland this weekend . A bit overcast and a tiny tiny amount of drizzle, but the Cumberland faithful marketers came out in large numbers to shop, shop,shop!

We will hold our first Falmouth market this week (10-1 behind Wal-mart) .Stop by ! We have some great new vendors and many returning familiar faces and products as well…

Fiddleheads, asparagus, ramps and rhubarb, new carrots, spinach and lettuce are available , if this heat continues the wild vegetables and asparagus will not last much longer….

And , sorry for the short notice, but we are suspending our Fridays deliveries for the summer months, if you send us your order by Tuesday morning, we will have it ready for pick up at market in Falmouth  or delivery that afternoon. I always think that I will have extra time every season, but as our days get longer, my time gets “fuller”….do you know that feeling? I imagine that you do!

I appreciate you all for your support of our small farms , local foods and excellent craft-folk. Let us know how we can fill your pantry!

Good morning All,

This Saturday begins the start of the Cumberland and Falmouth outdoor farmers’ market season... we are busy here at the farm gathering all the market supplies  that have been put away in storage , getting the van ready to roll for Saturday’s Cumberland market. 

Planting continues on in the greenhouses and the outside gardens, we will have fiddleheads, rhubarb, asparagus, greens, scallions  and ramps for Saturdays market , and EGGS! Good golly we have eggs!  Pat has been busy making  our ever popular hummus, we will have 2 flavors to offer , garlic lemon and kalamata olive!

So for this week, regretfully, we will not be able to make deliveries.  

I have a large group of young laying hens arriving Friday morning that we need  to get settled, AND a group of students will spend the day here Friday getting their hands dirty in their annual community service day . I have mushroom log inoculation planned for them and raspberry bush planting too. Which means that between our volunteers and gathering for market, there is just NO extra time..

We will be shifting our delivery schedule to Wednesday going forward, I will send out our product list on Saturday ,  orders will be accepted until Monday evening , 

 available for pick up at the Wednesday Falmouth market or delivery to your home  also on Wednesday….

Feel free to contact me with any questions, we truly and gratefully appreciate your support of our small farm and ALL of our local producers and crafters! 

Yay for Markets !!!!

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