Woo Hoo!
A huge big thanks so to all that came to the farm last Saturday ! It is always lovely to visit with folks , the day was glorious, and our very first opening day was tremendous! Thank you al that came and took a walk around the farm, visited with my big puppy boys, held 1 week old baby bunnies and just enjoyed the opportunity to be out in the fresh lovely fall air! Someone called our property “the farm at the end of the rainbow “. Honestly, I will agree one thousand percent.. it is my rainbow and I am fortunate to share it with so many friends. The Red Shed will be open going forward Thursday and Friday from 2-5 and Saturday from 10-2. Take a meandering drive this week to the farm! We would be delighted to have you, and it really is not too terribly far to go….. We will continue to add more great local food and farm fresh products, I have more quince jam in the works as we sold it ALL ! Next up : hot quince and strawberry jam, pickled beets, cauliflower and carrots! Always grateful for your continued support of excellent small Maine farms and savory healthy local foods. I appreciate each and every one of you! I hope you are able to get out and enjoy this great fall weather, and as a bonus…… no bugs! Kath