Good afternoon All,
Violet thought she would share her holiday costume with all of you…. You can tell she is not too terribly thrilled with me to be wearing it, but we all need a little bit of sunshine to help brighten the day….even IF she is not all that thrilled to be wearing it!
Sad days for our state, the loss of so many community members from the shooting last Wednesday. One of those is a neighbor just down the street from me, and as many of you know, there are not that many houses along my road. L/A is a very small community, and this event brings it all home very closely.
I thank all of you that have contacted me over the past 5 days, please also know, that when the legislature returns in January , I will be a voice among many that will be working to tighten or change our gun laws. I own a few firearms, they are a necessity here at the farm, but there is no reason ( in my opinion) to personally own weapons capable of creating so much devastation and heartache. None.
So, this week marks the official beginning of our winter season,the outdoor markets in Falmouth and Cumberland have wrapped up, the cold storage bins are full, next week we will offer up the bulk root vegetable seasonal deals .
AND , we now go back to Wednesday order deadline with a Friday delivery day, sometimes routines are so very comforting!
Cranberries are lovely and ready for jelly and jam, our turkeys….. oh my gosh are they growing , and , if you have been on the fence about ordering a fresh bird from us, well……… too late, they are all spoken for!
Thank you to all that reserved a bird…I will add names to a waiting list, but very very rarely do folks cancel on us.
Grateful for all of you and for the conversations I have had with so many concerned over the past few days. Our reality has shifted and that reality is that is CAN happen here…. Now, how do we prevent it from happening again, and not only to us here in our wonderful state, but around our nation.
Stay dry,
