Good day all!
Fall chore time… raking, putting away garden hoses, shutting down the outside water features, adding compost and cover crop to the gardens for 2022 plant dreams, stacking and splitting wood and tightening fence lines. Fences are the boon and bane for farmers…
Excellent for keeping our domestic animals in and a challenge to present to deer, fox, coydogs, groundhogs and moose! We had 2 episodes of moose running through the fence line last year, it was a newly fenced in pasture and when those big critters decide to go through, not much (AND OUR FENCE DID NOT) will stop them. Luckily, last years repair was an easy fix, but still a “pain”. They must have gotten used to it this year, and we’ve not had any troubles with THEM. We have spent the past 2 days resetting fence posts and tightening up the wires to keep all the others out.… glorious days such as these past 2 days are a thrill to be out working outside and while I never did make it to the beach this summer, I will count yesterday and today as MY beach day. After lunch my big big dogs and I will go lounge by the side of our farm pond and enjoy the sunshine . They will splash, swim and play in the ponds and, of this I am positive, bound joyfully out to cover me with stinky pond water and big slobbery kisses. They are my constant delight.
Winter squash of many varieties continue to be plentiful, cukes are just about done, we do have a good supply of zukes and summer squash although the skins on those are beginning to get a bit thicker. Cider is plentiful and so very tasty, heat it up and add a bit of whisky to it, yum, sure to warm your souls on cool fall evenings!
Enjoy our amazing Maine fall, the colors this year are a wonderful sight. Thankyou all again for supporting local Maine farms and fresh fresh foods! I gratefully appreciate each and everyone of you !