Good VERY chilly morning All!
Walking into the high tunnel yesterday to do my early morning feeding, I was just in time to witness the birth of our latest new baby girl!
Amazing to me that these little ones stand within 5 minutes of their entrance onto earth and will begin feeding not long afterwards….
This brings our total to three as of today and there will be many, many more to come. Being born in the colder winter months guarantees healthy bouncy babies that (usually) need no extra care…. Their moms are vigilant, very protective and provide them with so much more than this well meaning (me)but often inept caregiver. Hopefully there will only be one or two bottle babies this season….. so the beginning is strong for Valley View Farm’s “Gang of Babes”, as the weeks wear on they will become little thugs that will run rampant over their moms, tipping over water and feed bowls and making me laugh each and ever time I walk into their pens with their antics..
It is CSA sign up time at the farm as I begin to plan the late winter /early planting planting schedules, and we have included the sign up form in this mailing.
Please feel free to email me with questions about our CSA….
The Red Shed farm store is only open one day a week this season,
Saturday 12-5…
Pat has been making and offering for sample and sale soups and stews made with locally sourced and grown ingredients…. Stop over to try and buy!
And as always, my grateful thanks for your support of local foods ,local farms, and excellent small Maine businesses!