Hurry, hurry rush, rush! Stack that firewood, chase those pesky turkeys, harvest the last of the outdoor tomatoes, pumpkins, winter squash ….. what to do next? Wait, wait, how do I choose? Sometimes I feel just like those pesky little furry critters trying to decide which way to run when they get in front of your car. Sooooo much to do, and the days ARE getting shorter…..

Corn and melons have vanished for the season, but beets, turnips and fall carrots have been dug, I hope for Brussels sprouts and cranberries next week!
Our outdoor markets in Cumberland and Falmouth will finish up at the end of the month, some of our vendors will move to inside markets and others will take the winter to plan, plan plan and rest up for 2022. And for this chipmunk? Oh the farm life is never a dull one, it will slow down, but I will stay plenty busy! I thank you all for your support of local foods and excellent small Maine farms, and my thrifty Yankee soul appreciates all the boxes, egg cartons and grocery bags you folks return back to me to reuse and recycle. Happy Fall All! Let the leaves begin their descent!