Good evening all,
First actual snow fall………and so beautiful.
We worked most of the daylight hours yesterday to tighten up, pick up , cover up and fill up (The firewood)! And then, just as promised, the snow began so lightly at 3 pm.
We all live in a world of background white noise: traffic, radio, television, house appliances. True silence is just as elusive as full night darkness.
And so, last night, just at twilight, with snow falling all around, I walked among my sheep as they were bedding down for the night ,they were so contented at being in a snug shelter for the evening and making happy murmurings. And within a few moments of the last bit of light leaving… total quiet. How is that possible? 50 large wooly animals, and not a peep ( or bah)? They were listening along with me too. Listening to the silence, and the snow falling, so quietly and gently. Silly sounding words I know, but how often do we really have total quiet? Our world and life is full of motion and sound, I appreciate and value these silent moments on my farm……
And this week, we have no chef prepared foods on our list, but we have added a homemade red sauce for pasta, a sweet chunky homemade applesauce, and peeled butternut squash all vacuumed sealed and ready to go!
Delivery will be on Thursday this week, and orders would be appreciated to be sent to me by Wednesday evening. For all of you that ordered pies, turkey, duck and goose I will deliver those on Thursday, or you can come to the shop. We will be open Wednesday and Thursday this week 2-5 pm!
Linda, my computer/farm helper gal supreme ( I thank her every day for her skills in keeping me in the 21st century) has been working on our gift certificates for the holiday, so if you’d like to offer some as holiday gifts we can personalize them and I can include them in your delivery order for Thursday…..
Grateful as always, I hope that you all have a happy blissful holiday with family and friends,
Travel safely,