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Writer's pictureKathy Shaw

Late, Late, Late...

Massive apologies all……..

I apologize for the lateness of our product listing this week.. and by way of explanation, here goes…..

For the past 15 years or so, I have participated in the Maine Senior Farm

Share program. Seniors that are income eligible are given a $50.00 “share” in our farm of produce and must use their share in full by the end of November. On the first and second Monday of each month from June through November, I visit 2 different senior living facilities, bringing them our fresh fruits and produce . Today's senior center visit was in Portland and we delivered 40 preselected bags for for those that could not make it to the “market”, and set up a little farmers market for about 100 other seniors to come pick and chose what they wanted.

In all the years that I have participated in the Senior Farm Share program I have made some amazing friends, cried with them over their departed loved ones, hugged those that cannot make it around as easily as they did a year ago, and listened to stories from another era. Our friendships have been a great value to me and I enjoy how eagerly they wait for me to arrive… sometimes Violet will tag along ( my little curly haired dog) and they delight in her as she sits ,very carefully, on their laps and offers her unabashed love and affection.

So needless to say, after gathering everything for the bags and getting ready to drive to set up the market, my day started much earlier today than usual and ,now I find myself finally getting into the house and sending off my list… apologies, my apologies a million times over!

Our corn season is coming to an end, I will make one more trip to my farmer friends for the final peaches of the season tomorrow, and the winter squash is really coming in ! Root crops are being harvested, washed and sent aside for cold cellar storage, ……….gosh, so much to do!

I will gladly pack bags for Wednesday market and also get back into Friday

deliveries for those that like them!

Thankyou all again and again, for your ongoing and continued support of our excellent small Maine farmer and our hard working farmers!

I appreciate each and every one of you!


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