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Writer's pictureKathy Shaw


Just like the colorful falling leaves and foliage that makes our fall season in Maine so lovely, we have a seasonal color that appears along the fringes of our forests and fields …..hunter orange ! We do allow a very select few to hunt for deer on our land and as our farm is in the midst of more than 10,000 acres of zoning protected farm and forest land there is plenty of room for the deer to roam and forage. Last week one of “our “ hunters reported seeing a young bear on our lower wooded property and sightings of bobcat, fox and coyotes are frequent as well….

We are through with farmers’ markets for the season, and while always a bit bittersweet for them to end, our weather will now begin to be quite unstable, and these lovely fall days will not be the norm. Setting up markets is an ambitious job at any time of the season, struggling with winds and cold weather creates an obstacle that deters all but the hardiest of vendors as we have seen by the dwindling of market members over the past month. I will miss seeing so many wonderful regular customers….. HOWEVER…. Through our weekly food offering, I can continue to offer to you all farm fresh, locally grown foods . We will be updating our food , spice and holiday pie offering considerably this week, and our list for next week will be quite different….. so , please disregard the order deadline as posted in the file, if orders are received by Wednesday evening, I will gather, compile and deliver Friday afternoon.

Your support of local foods and our excellent small Maine farms is gratefully appreciated, I look forward to hearing from you soon! Off I go to feed the turkeys! Order yours soon!


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