Good Day All!

Final outdoor harvest is underway here at the farm and at so many others in the state! Local field grown tomatoes are rapidly coming to an end, and now we move into the high tunnel to plant spring harvest garlic. Spinach, mesclun mix, kale, chard and beet greens we will harvest in mid to late winter..
Local cranberries have arrived, full of tart fresh flavor and perfect for easy jelly, jam and chutney recipes. Also very good in smoothies (in moderate amounts) or when frozen added to festive cocktails for a burst of color and flavor. We will have them for quite awhile and many will make their way into the freezers for winter time enjoyment. They are not on this week’s list but I will have them for sale for $3.00 /pint or $4.50 quart.
Our turkeys continue the promenade around the yard during daylight hours, and most( but not all) have been reserved for the Thanksgiving holiday. Please let me know if you will want one or two, we also have duck and goose! These big white birds are pretty amusing to watch, when we leave the house they follow us like puppies, crying quite loudly that they have not yet been fed( falsely, they have very short term memories) and wanting to peer into everything we do. Pretty difficult to push these guys around as many of them are getting quite weighty, however if I have a bucket in my hands, they follow me, or anyone else for that matter, in true parade fashion. It is a sight to see 60 plus of them trailing behind me.
So, enjoy the glorious fall, leaves are tumbling down all around us!
Thank you as always for supporting our small excellent Maine farms, I am always delighted to hear from you!