Good Morning All,
Full “steam “ ahead towards summer !
The house flies and mosquitos have arrived too…. Sitting outside in the late evening, I see that our fireflies are still flashing around the farmyard and in greater numbers this year than I have seen in years past….I have an expert from the state coming out this week to set up recording devices to monitor the sounds of our bat population, through these recordings set up over 3-4 nights, they will identify by sound the species of bats we have here in the woods. I am hoping that these recordings will help to identify our bat species, and if our population supports any threatened or endangered species, these recording will be a tool to help preserve our farm and forest land for future generations… sounds sort of mundane, but this is terribly exciting for our farm and woodland future.
Asparagus and rhubarb is at the end, unless we get a bit more rain today ( please Mother Nature ), the rhubarb will get soft and woody. I do hope to have a later harvest for our winter freezers. Strawberries are at peak right now and this year have more flavor than ever….. peas should be more readily available this week, the summer squashes and possibly even cucumbers next week! Stay tuned…..
So much more is on the way.
Our farmers markets are flourishing, take the time to stop by , meet the farmers and crafters that help to make our state thriving and vibrant communities, I hope to see you there!!!
Delivery will be Wednesday afternoon for the Portland area, and Friday afternoon for our Lewiston/Auburn folks….
We are grateful for your support and commitment to feeding your families our excellent local foods, please let me know how I might help fill your pantries!