Good evening All,
Another busy week has passed by and fiddleheads and ramps are available now !
A “bit” of rain, cool nights and mild days will encourage the bounty that our fields and forests in this wonderful state are well known for…
And looky here, just what I found when I went out to our pasture this morning to let the sheep and mini horses out into the fenced and gated yard for their daily grazing. Here is yet another brand new late spring lamb , no mom in sight and being totally and carefully tended by our little mini mare who is fierce in her protection of lambs that are not well tended by their mothers.
So folks, I will have to deliver any orders Saturday , the legislature is being called back for a veto day this Friday, and I have no idea how late we will be kept there BUT , let us know how we can fill your frig and pantry.
Markets start in Cumberland,Saturday, May 18th, where have the days and months gone?????
I look forward to chatting with you all soon !