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Good evening All, 

Another busy week has passed by and fiddleheads and ramps are available now !

A “bit” of rain, cool nights and mild days will encourage the bounty that our fields and forests in this wonderful state are well known for…

And looky here, just what I found when I went out to our pasture this morning to let the sheep and mini horses  out into the fenced and gated yard for their daily grazing. Here is yet another brand new late spring lamb , no mom in sight and being totally and carefully tended by our little mini mare who is fierce in her protection of lambs that are not well tended by their mothers.

So folks, I will have to deliver any orders Saturday , the legislature is being called back for a veto day this Friday, and I have no idea how late we will be kept there  BUT , let us know how we can fill your frig and pantry. 

Markets start in Cumberland,Saturday, May 18th, where have the days and months gone????? 

I look forward to chatting with you all soon !

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Writer's picture: Kathy ShawKathy Shaw

Good evening All!

Here is a photo of our latest little one , we have had 4 unexpected lambs born this week…. All of them have been just tiny little tots and so bountifully healthy. The sheep and lambs are out in the pastures now that the land has dried up  a bit. They do enjoy the fresh grass and the opportunity to hip hop all around .

Joe tells me tonight that we have had 8 goslings hatch …….now, there are some very protective parents….not many folks or animals dare to brave the wrath of Goose parents..

Plans are underway for our farmers ‘ markets… beginning with the Cumberland market the  Saturday following   Mother’s  Day and if the Falmouth town council approves our  application the market in Falmouth will begin the following Wednesday ! 

Added on product this week is fresh asparagus and rhubarb, I am still waiting to hear from the forager folk about fiddleheads and ramps… it seems to be a pretty early season for wild greens . But gosh are they tasty….

And so , my local food friends, let me know how we can fill your pantry and soup pots ….I am grateful for your support and look forward to seeing and hearing from you all! 


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Writer's picture: Kathy ShawKathy Shaw

Howling at the full moon along with the coyotes is a favorite “pass the time”

with my big boy doggies, it gives me shivers and chills to hear their very big deep voices carry on with their long distance “cousins”. We do not hear the wild ones very frequently any more due to having these big fellas act as watch dogs, but at certain times of the year the siren song of their wild ancestors is just too much for them to resist. And , while I usually just have to step outside of the house for them to stop carrying on, the vocalizing, howling and barking is intriguing , I am very very grateful for them to keep watch over my flock of pretty much goofy sheep. 

We have had two more ewe lambs born this past week, tiny little girls . Their moms have had them roaming all over the 30 acres of fenced in pasture, tagging along behind, it is a marvel that those little legs can keep up with the flock, but they do… every  night just before dark and again first thing in the morning, I do a head count to make sure that everyone has made it through the night. We have had 25 lambs born this year, no bottle babies (yay),  and all are healthy and growing very quickly!

So for this week , I do have a very limited supply of asparagus, it did not make it on our food list, but if you would like some, let me know and I will try to supply!

Fiddleheads, Ramps, rhubarb, all probably next week if the temps stay above freezing!

Herb seedlings , annuals , and vegetable seedlings will be ready soon… I will send out a list of those too this year….

Thankyou all again and again for supporting local farmers and local foods… I appreciate  you all more than words can say!

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