Kathy Shaw

Jan 22, 20222 min

Lambing Season is Here!

Good Morning All!

I walked among my heavy bodied ewes yesterday during the snow storm quiet. Morning is one of the nicest times of day. Oh but wait… so is bright daylight, and evening dusk, and full moon watching….. I guess that all parts of my day are favorites.

BUT I digress…. I quietly walk around the gals as they begin their daylong routine of hay and grain fill ups, wondering when we would begin to see new January lambs….. and whoops! Out pops a little brown baby from the group (!), healthy bouncy and robust. I really love this time of year. She was being shielded from my prying eyes by her mom and the younger yearling “aunties”….. I will get my hands on her this morning to do a quick health check, a snuggle and a deep deep breath of new life on the farm! AND , there will be so many more to come! Stay tuned for more photos and updates …

New this week is a sharp Cabot cheese and our first shipment of Valley View farm raised yearling lamb. And I know, I know… just talking about the new babies and in the next breath promoting our meat supply seems a bit hard or callous, but it is LIFE on a farm…celebrating the new births and the miracle of everyday life on a farm.. they give me joy through out all of their lives and I give them a very good life too, never caged, never medicated, ample hay and green pastures.

And so, I need to head out to check and see who else will greet me with shiny new eyes , I appreciate all of you for supporting local foods and our excellent small Maine farms……you make a big difference in our lives and I try to make a difference in yours.

Stay warm!

