Kathy Shaw

Mar 41 min

Is our winter over?????

Frost heaves are beginning to be an issue as you travel over our rural roads… It is tough on vehicles hitting these “natural speed bumps”, and definitely makes you slow down just a bit!

Our  lambing season should be just about over, I may have a few more born , but what a crew we have here now! I separate them from their moms in the morning into a large pen where they can become accustomed to me moving around them and working on them as necessary , they will stay in that pen until about noontime when I  remove the gates and allow them back to their moms…. I can almost tell when noontime gets close by the noise level of mothers crying for their babies and the babies returning their calls! It can become quite a racket.

We have added a few more soups to our food list  and if you have not yet ordered your corned beef for the mid March holiday , our final delivery of corned beef is next Friday.

We are beginning to do early spring greenhouse work, cleaning benches, heating up the seedling benches and starting some woody cuttings from our pruning of last week!

I  thank you  all for your support of local foods and our excellent small Maine farms,  and here’s a photo of Ms. Violet in her St Paddy’s day finery !
